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Abuse, Harassment & Restraining Orders

Abuse, Harassment & Restraining Orders: Unwanted contact or harm by another person. Courts can grant restraining orders to protect against domestic violence, workplace violence, elder abuse, and other harms.

Child Abuse - Any type of cruelty towards a child, such as physical attacks, mental abuse, or neglect.

Domestic Violence - Abuse or threat of abuse toward an “intimate partner” such as a current or former romantic partner or spouse.

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders - Court order that can help protect those who have been abused or threatened with abuse.

Elder Abuse - Mistreatment that results in harm or loss to an older person. Can take many forms: physical, financial, neglect, psychological or sexual.

Workplace Violence - Act or threat of violence, ranging from verbal abuse to physical assaults, directed toward people at work or on duty.

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